By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. The portrait sculpture from the Republican era, better recognisable since the second century BC, although gaining in popularity particularly in the first century, constitutes one of the most unique portrait collections ever created. Variability of the portraits reveals combination of abstract features, expressed in an appropriate visual language, with definite physiognomic features and characteristics of persons being portrayed. A new type of portraiture was created at the time, different from the traditional Hellenistic one. Although it was the latter that was a source of the idea itself, and a provider of formal tools used to implement the idea. With this new concept the portraiture obtained an unprecedented capacity to articulate and project the interior processes of human experience. The Roman concept of portraying was most distinctive in so called veristic portraits, usually assumed to represent the essence of what was socially Roman. The collection consists mainly of the portraits of old men, frequently bold and toothless, with wry faces, full of wrinkles and scars — depicted in a stern manner, the manner that was not limited only to a persistent portraying of irregularities in physiognomies. Also emotional states were shown — almost with no exception these emaciated faces were gloomy and graceless. Looking at them might mislead viewers into assumption that they represented uncompromising images of their models. However, according to some studies, they were often just conventional types of representations, with features resulting from ideological motivation. And manipulating particular elements of physiognomy and character, these portrayed people — public images — were supposed to carry a particular message, to play desired and expected political and propaganda roles.
By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Teresa M. This multilingual book is the result of an international collaboration of many hands and authors from diverse continents and countries.
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